I have this mqtt class
class MQTT():
def __init__(self):
# Observer.__init__(self) # DON'T FORGET THIS
self.mqttClient = paho.Client(client_id=constants.MQTT_CLIENT_ID)
self.mqttClient.username_pw_set(username=constants.MQTT_BROKER_USERNAME, password=constants.MQTT_BROKER_PASSWORD)
# assign mqtt event callbacks
self.mqttClient.on_message = self.on_message
self.mqttClient.on_connect = self.on_connect
self.mqttClient.on_disconnect = self.on_disconnect
self.mqttClient.on_socket_close = self.on_disconnect
self.mqttClient.on_log = self.on_log
def on_disconnect(self,client, userdata, rc):
log("MQTT DISCONNECT:",client, userdata, rc)
and then
mqtt = MQTT()
If i run my code it work perfectly but then i have to run some functions when internet connection is lost. So for that i am using on_disconnect
and after running code if turn of network nothing happen. I want some call back to run on Internet connection lost. Do we have any ?