I will try to keep it simple and explain it with examples.
One of the things that I often do is measure the time taken by API's that I build and then publish them on AWS.
Since it is a very common use case I have created a decorator for it.
def log_latency():
def actual_decorator(f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
t0 = time()
r = f(*args, **kwargs)
t1 = time()
async_daemon_execute(public_metric, t1 - t0, log_key)
return r
return wrapped_f
return actual_decorator
Now if there is any method that I want to measure the latency, I just put annotate it with the required decorator.
def batch_job_api(param):
Suppose you want to write a secure API which only works if you send a header with a particular value then you can use a decorator for it.
def secure(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
token = request.headers.get("My_Secret_Token")
if not token or token != "My_Secret_Text":
raise AccessDenied("Required headers missing")
return f(*args, **kw)
return wrapper
Now just write
def my_secure_api():
I have also been using the above syntax for API specific exceptions, and if a method needs a database interaction instead of acquiring a connection I use @session decorator which tells that this method will use a database connection and you don't need to handle one yourself.
I could have obviously avoided it, by writing a function that checks for the header or prints time taken by API on AWS, but that just looks a bit ugly and nonintuitive.
There is no convention for this, at least I am not aware of them but it definitely makes the code more readable and easier to manage.
Most of the IDE's also have different color syntax for annotation which makes it easier to understand and organize code.
So, I would it may just be because of inexperience; if you start using them you will automatically start knowing where to use them.