You need to base your query on entity2.details
. Since the criteria API is type-safe, it catches that entity1 has no field named "details"
CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery q = builder.createQuery();
Root r = q.from(Entity2.class); // Must use subclass as root;
q.where("details", JoinType.LEFT).get("quantity"), 1));
Since Entity2 extends Entity1, you can cast your results as the parent type safely. For example:
CriteriaQuery<Entity1> q = builder.createQuery(Entity1.class);
Root r = q.from(Entity2.class); // Must use subclass as root
will return a list of Entity1
CriteriaQuery<Entity2> q = builder.createQuery(Entity2.class);
Root r = q.from(Entity2.class); // Must use subclass as root
will return a list of Entity2
I think I misunderstood the goal here. If you want all Entity1 UNLESS they are Entity2 with details.quantity <= 1, you need to do more.
You can't use a left join from Entity1Detail to Entity1, because that is not strictly type safe. Instead, you need to join Entity2 to Entity1Detail somehow. Probably the best tool to use here is a correlated subquery.
CriteriaQuery<Entity1> q = builder.createQuery(Entity1.class);
Root<Entity1> ent1 = q.from(Entity1.class);
SubQuery<Entity2> subq = q.subquery(Entity2.class);
Root<Entity2> ent2 = subq.from(Entity2.class);
Path<Integer> quantity = ent2.join("details", JoinType.LEFT).get("quantity");
Predicate lessThan = builder.lte(quantity,1);
Predicate correlatedSubqJoin = cb.equal(ent1,ent2)
subq.where(lessThan, correlatedSubqJoin);;
The criteria API does not know that you are single table inheritance, so you have to write your queries for all inheritance strategies, including a Joined inheritance strategy.