Looks like I "overcomplicated" the initial answer by trying to explain everything. Here is the short version of the answer.
private static void SomeMethod(int thisValue, string thatValue)
IEnumerable<object> parameters = GetParameters(() => SomeMethod(thisValue, thatValue));
foreach (var p in parameters)
private static IEnumerable<object> GetParameters(Expression<Action> expr)
var body = (MethodCallExpression)expr.Body;
foreach (MemberExpression a in body.Arguments)
var test = ((FieldInfo)a.Member).GetValue(((ConstantExpression)a.Expression).Value);
yield return test;
And here is the long version with some explanations.
In fact, if you use expression trees, you don't need to be inside a method to enumerate its parameters.
static void Main(string[] args)
// First approach.
IEnumerable<object> parameters = GetParametersFromConstants(() => SomeMethod(0, "zero"));
foreach (var p in parameters)
// Second approach.
int thisValue = 0;
string thatValue = "zero";
IEnumerable<object> parameters2 = GetParametersFromVariables(() => SomeMethod(thisValue, thatValue));
foreach (var p in parameters2)
private static void SomeMethod(int thisValue, string thatValue)
Console.WriteLine(thisValue + " " + thatValue);
private static IEnumerable<object> GetParametersFromVariables(Expression<Action> expr)
var body = (MethodCallExpression)expr.Body;
foreach (MemberExpression a in body.Arguments)
var test = ((FieldInfo)a.Member).GetValue(((ConstantExpression)a.Expression).Value);
yield return test;
private static IEnumerable<object> GetParametersFromConstants(Expression<Action> expr)
var body = (MethodCallExpression)expr.Body;
foreach (ConstantExpression a in body.Arguments)
var test = a.Value;
yield return test;
Note, that if you use expression trees, your code depends a lot on an expression passed to the method. I have shown one using constants and one using variables. But of course there can be more scenarios. You can refactor this code to use a single method for both cases, but I decided that is illustrates the problem better this way.