There is not, that I know of. I have this handy function using lubridate
, which is basically identical to yours.
getNcTime <- function(nc) {
ncdims <- names(nc$dim) #get netcdf dimensions
timevar <- ncdims[which(ncdims %in% c("time", "Time", "datetime", "Datetime", "date", "Date"))[1]] #find time variable
times <- ncvar_get(nc, timevar)
if (length(timevar)==0) stop("ERROR! Could not identify the correct time variable")
timeatt <- ncatt_get(nc, timevar) #get attributes
timedef <- strsplit(timeatt$units, " ")[[1]]
timeunit <- timedef[1]
tz <- timedef[5]
timestart <- strsplit(timedef[4], ":")[[1]]
if (length(timestart) != 3 || timestart[1] > 24 || timestart[2] > 60 || timestart[3] > 60 || any(timestart < 0)) {
cat("Warning:", timestart, "not a valid start time. Assuming 00:00:00
warning(paste("Warning:", timestart, "not a valid start time. Assuming 00:00:00
timedef[4] <- "00:00:00"
if (! tz %in% OlsonNames()) {
cat("Warning:", tz, "not a valid timezone. Assuming UTC
warning(paste("Warning:", timestart, "not a valid start time. Assuming 00:00:00
tz <- "UTC"
timestart <- ymd_hms(paste(timedef[3], timedef[4]), tz=tz)
f <- switch(tolower(timeunit), #Find the correct lubridate time function based on the unit
seconds=seconds, second=seconds, sec=seconds,
minutes=minutes, minute=minutes, min=minutes,
hours=hours, hour=hours, h=hours,
days=days, day=days, d=days,
months=months, month=months, m=months,
years=years, year=years, yr=years,
suppressWarnings(if ( stop("Could not understand the time unit format"))
timestart + f(times)
EDIT: One might also want to take a look at ncdf4.helpers::nc.get.time.series
EDIT2: note that the newly-proposed and currently in developement awesome stars
package will handle dates automatically, see the first blog post for an example.
EDIT3: another way is to use the units
package directly, which is what stars
uses. One could do something like this: (still not handling the calendar correctly, I'm not sure units
getNcTime <- function(nc) { ##NEW VERSION, with the units package
options(warn=1) #show warnings by default
if (is.character(nc)) nc <- nc_open(nc)
ncdims <- names(nc$dim) #get netcdf dimensions
timevar <- ncdims[which(ncdims %in% c("time", "Time", "datetime", "Datetime", "date", "Date"))] #find (first) time variable
if (length(timevar) > 1) {
warning(paste("Found more than one time var. Using the first:", timevar[1]))
timevar <- timevar[1]
if (length(timevar)!=1) stop("ERROR! Could not identify the correct time variable")
times <- ncvar_get(nc, timevar) #get time data
timeatt <- ncatt_get(nc, timevar) #get attributes
timeunit <- timeatt$units
units(times) <- make_unit(timeunit)