I am interested in programming in x86-64
assembly on the Mac OS X platform. I came across this page about creating a 248B Mach-O program, which led me to Apple's own Mach-O format reference. After that I thought I'd make that same simple C program in Xcode and check out the generated assembly.
This was the code:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
return 42;
But the assembly generated was 334 lines, containing (based on the 248B model) a lot of excess content.
Firstly, why is so much DWARF debug info included in the Release build of a C executable? Secondly, I notice the Mach-O header data is included 4 times (in different DWARF-related sections
). Why is this necessary? Finally, the Xcode assembly includes:
.private_extern _main
.globl _main
But in the 248B program, these are all nowhere to be seen - the program instead begins at _start
. How is that possible if all programs by definition begin in main
Full Xcode Assembly:
# Assembly output for main.c
# Generated at 4:04:08 PM on Sunday, January 20, 2013
# Using Release configuration, x86_64 architecture for Tiny target of Tiny project
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.file 1 "/Users/####/Desktop/Tiny/Tiny/main.c"
.section __DWARF,__debug_info,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_abbrev,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_aranges,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_macinfo,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_line,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_loc,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_pubtypes,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_str,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_ranges,regular,debug
.section __DWARF,__debug_loc,regular,debug
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.section __DATA,__data
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.private_extern _main
.globl _main
_main: ## @main
.loc 1 12 0 ## /Users/####/Desktop/Tiny/Tiny/main.c:12:0
## BB#0:
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset %rbp, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
##DEBUG_VALUE: main:argc <- EDI+0
##DEBUG_VALUE: main:argv <- RSI+0
movl $42, %eax
.loc 1 15 5 prologue_end ## /Users/####/Desktop/Tiny/Tiny/main.c:15:5
popq %rbp
.section __DATA,__data
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
.section __DWARF,__debug_info,regular,debug
.long 127 ## Length of Compilation Unit Info
.short 2 ## DWARF version number
Lset0 = Labbrev_begin-Lsection_abbrev ## Offset Into Abbrev. Section
.long Lset0
.byte 8 ## Address Size (in bytes)
.byte 1 ## Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x78 DW_TAG_compile_unit
Lset1 = Lstring0-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_producer
.long Lset1
.short 12 ## DW_AT_language
Lset2 = Lstring1-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset2
.quad 0 ## DW_AT_entry_pc
.long 0 ## DW_AT_stmt_list
Lset3 = Lstring2-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_comp_dir
.long Lset3
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_APPLE_optimized
.byte 2 ## Abbrev [2] 0x27:0x3e DW_TAG_subprogram
Lset4 = Lstring3-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset4
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_decl_file
.byte 11 ## DW_AT_decl_line
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_prototyped
.long 101 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_external
.quad Lfunc_begin0 ## DW_AT_low_pc
.quad Lfunc_end0 ## DW_AT_high_pc
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_frame_base
.byte 86
.byte 3 ## Abbrev [3] 0x46:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter
Lset5 = Lstring5-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset5
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_decl_file
.byte 11 ## DW_AT_decl_line
.long 101 ## DW_AT_type
Lset6 = Ldebug_loc0-Lsection_debug_loc ## DW_AT_location
.long Lset6
.byte 3 ## Abbrev [3] 0x55:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter
Lset7 = Lstring6-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset7
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_decl_file
.byte 11 ## DW_AT_decl_line
.long 125 ## DW_AT_type
Lset8 = Ldebug_loc2-Lsection_debug_loc ## DW_AT_location
.long Lset8
.byte 0 ## End Of Children Mark
.byte 4 ## Abbrev [4] 0x65:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type
Lset9 = Lstring4-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset9
.byte 5 ## DW_AT_encoding
.byte 4 ## DW_AT_byte_size
.byte 4 ## Abbrev [4] 0x6c:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type
Lset10 = Lstring7-Lsection_str ## DW_AT_name
.long Lset10
.byte 6 ## DW_AT_encoding
.byte 1 ## DW_AT_byte_size
.byte 5 ## Abbrev [5] 0x73:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type
.long 108 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 6 ## Abbrev [6] 0x78:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
.long 115 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 6 ## Abbrev [6] 0x7d:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type
.long 120 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 0 ## End Of Children Mark
.section __DWARF,__debug_abbrev,regular,debug
.byte 1 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 17 ## DW_TAG_compile_unit
.byte 1 ## DW_CHILDREN_yes
.byte 37 ## DW_AT_producer
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.byte 19 ## DW_AT_language
.byte 5 ## DW_FORM_data2
.byte 3 ## DW_AT_name
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.byte 82 ## DW_AT_entry_pc
.byte 1 ## DW_FORM_addr
.byte 16 ## DW_AT_stmt_list
.byte 6 ## DW_FORM_data4
.byte 27 ## DW_AT_comp_dir
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.ascii "341177" ## DW_AT_APPLE_optimized
.byte 12 ## DW_FORM_flag
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 2 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 46 ## DW_TAG_subprogram
.byte 1 ## DW_CHILDREN_yes
.byte 3 ## DW_AT_name
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.byte 58 ## DW_AT_decl_file
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 59 ## DW_AT_decl_line
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 39 ## DW_AT_prototyped
.byte 12 ## DW_FORM_flag
.byte 73 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 19 ## DW_FORM_ref4
.byte 63 ## DW_AT_external
.byte 12 ## DW_FORM_flag
.byte 17 ## DW_AT_low_pc
.byte 1 ## DW_FORM_addr
.byte 18 ## DW_AT_high_pc
.byte 1 ## DW_FORM_addr
.byte 64 ## DW_AT_frame_base
.byte 10 ## DW_FORM_block1
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 3 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 5 ## DW_TAG_formal_parameter
.byte 0 ## DW_CHILDREN_no
.byte 3 ## DW_AT_name
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.byte 58 ## DW_AT_decl_file
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 59 ## DW_AT_decl_line
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 73 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 19 ## DW_FORM_ref4
.byte 2 ## DW_AT_location
.byte 6 ## DW_FORM_data4
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 4 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 36 ## DW_TAG_base_type
.byte 0 ## DW_CHILDREN_no
.byte 3 ## DW_AT_name
.byte 14 ## DW_FORM_strp
.byte 62 ## DW_AT_encoding
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 11 ## DW_AT_byte_size
.byte 11 ## DW_FORM_data1
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 5 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 38 ## DW_TAG_const_type
.byte 0 ## DW_CHILDREN_no
.byte 73 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 19 ## DW_FORM_ref4
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 6 ## Abbreviation Code
.byte 15 ## DW_TAG_pointer_type
.byte 0 ## DW_CHILDREN_no
.byte 73 ## DW_AT_type
.byte 19 ## DW_FORM_ref4
.byte 0 ## EOM(1)
.byte 0 ## EOM(2)
.byte 0 ## EOM(3)
.section __DWARF,__apple_names,regular,debug
.long 1212240712 ## Header Magic
.short 1 ## Header Version
.short 0 ## Header Hash Function
.long 1 ## Header Bucket Count
.long 1 ## Header Hash Count
.long 12 ## Header Data Length
.long 0 ## HeaderData Die Offset Base
.long 1 ## HeaderData Atom Count
.short 1 ## eAtomTypeDIEOffset
.short 6 ## DW_FORM_data4
.long 0 ## Bucket 0
.long 2090499946 ## Hash in Bucket 0
.long LNames0-Lnames_begin ## Offset in Bucket 0