I've created functions load the objects from cached chunks into an interactive R session. The functions are lazyload_cache_dir
and lazyload_cache_labels
and are available in qwraps2 version > 0.2.4
A detailed example of the use of these functions is
Quick overview:
Say you have the file report.Rmd
title: "A Report"
output: html_document
```{r first-chunk, cache = TRUE}
fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt + hp, data = mtcars)
x <- pi
```{r second-chunk, cache = TRUE}
fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt + hp + am, data = mtcars)
xx <- exp(1)
After knitting you end up with a this project directory
├── report_cache
│ └── html
│ ├── first-chunk_bf368425c25f0c3d95cac85aff007ad1.RData
│ ├── first-chunk_bf368425c25f0c3d95cac85aff007ad1.rdb
│ ├── first-chunk_bf368425c25f0c3d95cac85aff007ad1.rdx
│ ├── __packages
│ ├── second-chunk_2c7d6b477306be1d4d4ed451f2f1b52a.RData
│ ├── second-chunk_2c7d6b477306be1d4d4ed451f2f1b52a.rdb
│ └── second-chunk_2c7d6b477306be1d4d4ed451f2f1b52a.rdx
├── report.html
└── report.Rmd
and you want to load the objects from first-chunk
lazyload_cache_labels("first-chunk", path = "report_cache/html")
## Lazyloading report_cache/html/first-chunk_bf368425c25f0c3d95cac85aff007ad1
## [1] "fit" "x"
See the blog post for details on loading only a whole directory of cached objects or loading specific objects from within a cached chunk.