Timezone and timezone offset are two different things. A timezone can have different offsets if daylight savings time is used. Timezone support was added to SQL Server in the latest version, 2016.
Your question has two parts - how to convert a datetime
value to a value with offset/timezone and then how to convert that value to a UTC.
In versions up to SQL Server 2014, you have to determine the correct offset for your local timezone in advance, eg using C# code. Once you have it you can convert a datetime
to a `datetimeoffset with a specific offset with TODATETIMEOFFSET:
This will return a datetimeoffset
value with the original time and the specified offset.
Switch to another offset (eg UTC) is performed by the SWITCHOFFSET function
select SWITCHOFFSET(@someDateTimeOffset,0)
You can combine both with
The offset can be passed as a parameter. Assuming your field is called SomeTime
, you could write
select SWITCHOFFSET(TODATETIMEOFFSET(SomeTime,@offsetInMinutes),0)
In SQL Server 2016 you can use the timezone names. You still need a double conversion though, first to the local timezone then to UTC:
SELECT (getdate() at time zone 'Central Europe Standard Time') AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
returns a datetimeoffset
with a +2:00
offset and the second converts it to UTC.
You could probably avoid all conversions if you used the datetimeinfo
type instead of datetime
. SQL Server allows comparisons, filtering, calculations etc on values of different offsets, so you wouldn't need to make any conversions for querying. On the client side, .NET has the equivalent DateTimeOffset
type so you wouldn't need to make any conversion in client code.