First of all - describe what is your specific problem. No one can stand behind your back and look at your computer and see what you are doing.
You do imply your program misbehaves. But you do not describe how and why. And we do not know it.
As general remarks, you overuse the pipeline a bit.
- all the worker procedures you pass to OTL - in your case those are
and Retriever
work in random threads. That means none of them should touch GUI without synchronizing
- VCL is not multithreaded.
Also using TThread.Synchronize
is a poor choice as I explained to you in the linked question. It makes program slow and it makes forms unreadable. To update your form use polling with fixed framerate. Do not update your form from inside OTL workers.
In other words, Inserter
is not what you need. All you need from the pipeline here is its Input collection, a downloader procedure and the Output collection. Yes it is very simple task for the complex things pipelines are, that is why I mentioned two other simpler patterns before it.
You need TTimer
on your form that would poll the Output collection at fixed framerate 2-3 times per second, and check that the collection is not finalized yet ( if it is - the pipeline got stopped ) and that should update GUI from a main thread.
- You should not wait for a pipeline to finish inside your main VCL thread. Instead You should detach the pipeleine and let it run totally in background. Save the reference to the created pipeline into the Form's member variable so you could access its Output collection from the
event and also can free the pipeline after its process run over.
You should keep that variable linked to the pipeline object until the downloading is over and set to nil
(Free the objects) after that, but not before. You know about interfaces and reference-counting in Delphi, right?
For other OTL patterns like parallel-FOR read OTL docs about their .NoWait()
You should make this Your form bi-modal, to have different set of enabled controls when downloading is running and when it is not. I usually do it with special Boolean property like I shown to you in the topic you linked.
Your user is not supposed to change the lists and settings while the pipeline is in progress (unless you would implement that realtime task changing, but you did not yet). This mode switcher would also be a good place to free the finished pipeline object when the switching is going from working mode to idle mode.
If you would want to play with the pipeline workers chaining, then you can put into the Input Collection not the URL strings themselves, but the array of those - the Memo1.Lines.ToArray()
, then you can start with Unpacker stage that gets string arrays from the input collection (there would be only one, actually) and enumerate it and put the strings into stage-output collection.
This however has little practical value, it would even slow your program down a tiny bit, as the Memo1.Lines.ToArray()
function would still work in the main VCL thread. But just to experiment with the pipelines this might be funny.
So the draft becomes like that,
TfrmMain = class(TForm)
var pipeline: IOmniPipeline;
property inProcess: Boolean read ... write SetInProcess;
procedure Retriever(const input: TOmniValue; var output: TOmniValue);
pageContents, URL: string;
URL := input.AsString;
lHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
lHTTP.ReadTimeout := 30000;
lHTTP.HandleRedirects := True;
pageContents := ExtractDelimitedString( lHTTP.Get('' + URL) );
if pageContents > '' then
Output := pageContents;
procedure TfrmMain.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
if InProgress then begin
CanClose := False;
ShowMessage( 'You cannot close this window now.'^M^J+
'Wait for downloads to complete first.' );
procedure TfrmMain.SetInProcess(const Value: Boolean);
if Value = InProcess then exit; // form already is in this mode
FInProcess := Value;
memo1.ReadOnly := Value;
StartButton.Enabled := not Value;
if Value then
Timer1.Delay := 500; // twice per second
Timer1.Enabled := Value;
If not Value then // for future optimisation - make immediate mode change
FlushData; // when last worker thread quits, no waiting for timer event
If not Value then
pipeline := nil; // free the pipeline object
If not Value then
ShowMessage('Work complete');
procedure TfrmMain.Timer1Timer(const Sender: TObject);
If not InProcess then exit;
if Pipeline.Output.IsFinalized then
InProcess := False;
procedure TForm2.startButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
s : string;
urlList : TStringList;
urlList := Memo1.Lines;
pipeline := Parallel.Pipeline;
InProcess := True; // Lock the input data GUI - user no more can edit it
for s in urlList do
procedure TfrmMain.FlushData;
var v: TOmniValue;
if pipeline = nil then exit;
if pipeline.Output = nil then exit;
if pipeline.Output.IsFinalized then
InProcess := False;
while pipeline.Output.TryTake(v) do
Memo2.Lines.Add( v.AsString );
// optionally - scroll output memo2 to the last line
Note few details, think about them and understand the essence of those:
Only FlushData
is updating the output memo. FlushData is called from the TTimer
event or from the form mode property setter. Both of them only are ever called from the main VCL thread. Thus FlushData
is NEVER called form background threads.
is a free standalone function, it is not a member of the form and it knows nothing about the form and has no reference to your form instance(s). That way you achieve both goals: you avoid "tight coupling" and you avoid a chance of mistakingly access the form's controls from a background thread, which is not allowed in VCL.
Retriever functions work in background threads, they do load the data, they do store the data, but they never touch the GUI. That is the idea.
Rule of thumb - all methods of the form are only called from the main VCL thread. All pipeline stage subroutines - bodies of the background threads - are declared and work outside of any VCL forms and have no access to none of those. There should be no mix between those realms.
you throttle GUI update to a fixed refresh rate. And that rate should be not too frequent. Windows GUI and user eyes should have time to catch up.
Your form operates in two clearly delineated modes - InProcess
and not InProcess
. In those modes different sets of functions and controls are available to the user. It also manages mode-to-mode transitions like clearing output-memo text, alerting user of status changes, freeing memory of used threads-managing objects (here: pipelines), etc. Consequently, this property only is changed (setter is called) from main VCL thread, never from background workers. And #2 helps with that too.
The possible future enhancement would be to use pipeline.OnStop
event to issue a PostMessage
with a custom Windows Message to your form, so it would switch the mode immediately as the work is done, not waiting for the next timer olling event. This might be the ONLY place where pipeline knows anything about the form and has any references to it. But this open the can of Windows messaging, HWND recreation and other subtle things that I do not want to put here.