when you use completion handler do not use return.
func loadData(completion: @escaping (_ number: Int, _ strArr1: [String], _ strArr2: [String], _ strArr3: [String]) -> ()){
Alamofire.request(url!, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { response in
switch(response.result) {
case .success(_):
if let JSON = response.result.value as! [[String : AnyObject]]!{
//Here I retrieve the data
completion(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray)
case .failure(_):
completion(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray)
loadData (completion: { (number, strArr1, strArr2, strArr3) in
// do it
// for exapmple
self.number = number
self.strArr1 = strArr1
// and so on
or if you want return any value in closure you must use completion handler for return any value or some thing like, for example if you want return Boolean value:
func loadData(completion:(number: numberRows, strArr1 : nameArray, strArr2 : ageArray, strArr3: birthdayArray) -> (Bool))
and in the loadData
loadData( completion: { ( number, strArr1, strArr2, strArr3 ) -> (Bool) in
# code
return False
or some think else.
I use swift 3. but if you want another version of swift careful about External Parameter Names and internal parameter names, like: @escaping (_ number: Int, _ strArr1: [String], _ strArr2: [String], _ strArr3: [String]) -> ())
if you want set external parameter names, just need drop _
and set name for parameters.