Yes, it is part of the language. No, you should not use it for serious code. As for being confusing in interpolation, all dollar signs (that are not part of a variable) should be escaped, not just the ones next to letters, so it shouldn't be a problem.
I do not know if this is the real reason behind allowing whitespace in between the sigil and the variable name, but it allows you to do things like
my $ count = 0;
my $file_handle_foo = IO::File->new;
which might be seen by some people as handy (since it puts the sigils and the unique parts of the variable names next to each other). It is also useful for Obfu (see the end of line 9 and beginning of line 10):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # camel code
use strict;
ATA,0, 0;");foreach(1..3)
{<DATA>;}my @camel1hump;my$camel;
my$Camel ;while( <DATA>){$_=sprintf("%-6
9s",$_);my@dromedary 1=split(//);if(defined($
_=<DATA>)){@camel1hum p=split(//);}while(@dromeda
ry1){my$camel1hump=0 ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defined($_=shif
t(@dromedary1 ))&&/S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;}
$CAMEL--;if(d efined($_=shift(@dromedary1))&&/S/){
$camel1hump+=1 <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if(defined($_=shift(
/LJF7173175`47/12345678/;y/12345678/JL7F175173 47`/;
";}';;s/s*//g;;eval; eval
("seek40DATA,0,0;");undef$/;$_=<DATA>;s/s*//g;( );;s
;^.*_;;;map{eval"print"$_"";}/.{4}/g; __DATA__ 124
1 5014540165163145401571 46401 41
40143141 1551451 54401 51155 141
147145 40151156 40141 16316 3
157143 15114116 41511 57156
40167 1511641 5040 1201
45162 1544015 1163 04014
1401 641621 41144 145
15514 1162 1534 0157
146 04011 747 1221
4515 11541 54171 40
46 01210116 316
315 714315 114
116 4145163 54
40 11115614 356
40 12516314514 440
1671 511641 50 40160
145162 155151
163163 1511