Yes, you can do this using the Dynamic Code Coverage tools that ship with Visual Studio 2013. I'm using Premium, so I can't say for sure which versions may or may not have this component.
The command to start coverage and hook it into IIS is as follows:
<VisualStudioInstallDirectory>Team ToolsDynamic Code Coverage ToolsCodeCoverage.exe collect /IIS /session:WebSession /output:<CoverageOutputFileName>.coverage
This will restart IIS and start up the coverage process.
Run your integration tests (or do manual testing if you want). When finished, stop the coverage tool with the following command:
<VisualStudioInstallDirectory>Team ToolsDynamic Code Coverage ToolsCodeCoverage.exe shutdown /session:WebSession
This will complete creating the coverage file which can then be opened in Visual Studio. Note, that the shutdown command leaves the CodeCoverage.exe running. Restarting IIS will shut down CodeCoverage.exe processes.
A few other notes:
- If the specified output coverage file already exists, the code
coverage monitor will not start. Make sure to use unique filenames or delete any existing files before starting.
- If you embed these commands as External Tools in Visual Studio, you
need to launch Visual Studio as Administrator to get it to start
If you want to convert your coverage file to xml so that it can be
consumed by other tools (such as ReportGenerator), you can use
the following command to convert the coverage file:
Team ToolsDynamic Code Coverage ToolsCodeCoverage.exe analyze InputCoverageFile.coverage /output:OutputFile.coveragexml