I had never written a single line of Java code until 30 minutes ago, let alone used JCUDA before, but an almost literal line-by-line translation of the native C++ code I gave you here seems to work perfectly:
import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.*;
import java.io.*;
import jcuda.*;
import jcuda.driver.*;
public class JCudaRuntimeTest
public static void main(String args[])
CUdevice device = new CUdevice();
cuDeviceGet(device, 0);
CUcontext context = new CUcontext();
cuCtxCreate(context, 0, device);
CUlinkState linkState = new CUlinkState();
JITOptions jitOptions = new JITOptions();
cuLinkCreate(jitOptions, linkState);
String ptxFileName2 = "test_function.ptx";
String ptxFileName1 = "test_kernel.ptx";
cuLinkAddFile(linkState, CUjitInputType.CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX, ptxFileName2, jitOptions);
cuLinkAddFile(linkState, CUjitInputType.CU_JIT_INPUT_PTX, ptxFileName1, jitOptions);
long sz[] = new long[1];
Pointer image = new Pointer();
cuLinkComplete(linkState, image, sz);
System.out.println("Pointer: " + image);
System.out.println("CUBIN size: " + sz[0]);
CUmodule module = new CUmodule();
cuModuleLoadDataEx(module, image, 0, new int[0], Pointer.to(new int[0]));
CUfunction functionKernel = new CUfunction();
String kernelname = "_Z6kernelPfS_S_S_";
cuModuleGetFunction(functionKernel, module, kernelname);
System.out.println("Function: " + functionKernel);
which works like this:
> nvcc -ptx -arch=sm_21 test_function.cu
> nvcc -ptx -arch=sm_21 test_kernel.cu
> javac -cp ".;jcuda-0.7.0a.jar" JCudaRuntimeTest.java
> java -cp ".;jcuda-0.7.0a.jar" JCudaRuntimeTest
Pointer: Pointer[nativePointer=0xa5a13a8,byteOffset=0]
CUBIN size: 5924
Function: CUfunction[nativePointer=0xa588160]
The key here seems to be to use cuModuleLoadDataEx
, noting that the return values from cuLinkComplete
are a system pointer to the linked CUBIN and the size of the image returned as a long[]
. As per the C++ code, the pointer is just passed directly to the module data load.
As a final comment, it would have been much simpler and easier if you had posted a proper repro case that could be been directly hacked on, rather than making me learn the rudiments of JCUDA and Java before I could create a useful repro case and get it to work. The documentation for JCUDA is basic, but complete, and against the working C++ example already provided, it only took a couple of minutes of reading to see how to do this.