I've quite new to Fortran and OpenMP, but I'm trying to get my bearings. I have a piece of code for calculating variograms which I'm attempting to parallelize. However, I seem to be getting race conditions, as some of the results are off by a thousandth or so.
The problem seems to be the reductions. Using OpenMP reductions work and give the correct results, but they are not desirable, because the reductions actually happen in another subroutine (I copied the relevant lines into the OpenMP loop for the test). Therefore I put the reductions inside a CRITICAL section but without success. Interestingly, the problem only occurs for reals, not integers. I have thought about whether or not the order of the additions make any difference, but they should not produce errors this big.
Just to check, I put everything in the parallel do in an ORDERED block, which (of course) gave the correct results (albeit without any speedup). I also tried putting everything inside a CRITICAL section, but for some reason that did not give the correct results. My understanding is that OpenMP will flush the shared variables upon entering/exiting CRITICAL sections, so there shouldn't be any cache problems.
So my question is: why doesn't a critical section work in this case?
My code is below. All shared variables except np, tm, hm, gam are read-only.
EDIT: I tried to simulate the randomness induced by multiple threads by replacing the do loops with random integers in the same range (i.e. generate a pair i,j in the of the loops; if they are "visited", generate new ones) and to my surprise the results matched. However, upon further inspection it was revealed that I had forgotten to seed the RNG, and the results were correct by coincidence. How embarrassing!
TL;DR: The discrepancies in the results were caused by the ordering of the floating point values. Using double precision instead helps.
!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT(none) SHARED(nd, x, y, z, nzlag, nylag, nxlag, &
!$OMP& dzlag, dylag, dxlag, nvarg, ivhead, ivtail, ivtype, vr, tmin, tmax, np, tm, hm, gam) num_threads(512)
!$OMP DO PRIVATE(i,j,zdis,ydis,xdis,izl,iyl,ixl,indx,vrh,vrt,vrhpr,vrtpr,variogram_type) !reduction(+:np, tm, hm, gam)
DO i=1,nd
! Second loop over the data:
DO j=1,nd
! The lag:
zdis = z(j) - z(i)
IF(zdis >= 0.0) THEN
izl = INT( zdis/dzlag+0.5)
izl = -INT(-zdis/dzlag+0.5)
! ---- SNIP ----
! Loop over all variograms for this lag:
DO cur_variogram=1,nvarg
variogram_type = ivtype(cur_variogram)
! Get the head and tail values:
indx = i+(ivhead(cur_variogram)-1)*maxdim
vrh = vr(indx)
indx = j+(ivtail(cur_variogram)-1)*maxdim
vrt = vr(indx)
IF(vrh < tmin.OR.vrh >= tmax.OR. vrt < tmin.OR.vrt >= tmax) CYCLE
! ----- PROBLEM AREA -------
np(ixl,iyl,izl,1) = np(ixl,iyl,izl,1) + 1. ! <-- This never fails
tm(ixl,iyl,izl,1) = tm(ixl,iyl,izl,1) + vrt
hm(ixl,iyl,izl,1) = hm(ixl,iyl,izl,1) + vrh
gam(ixl,iyl,izl,1) = gam(ixl,iyl,izl,1) + ((vrh-vrt)*(vrh-vrt))
! ----- END OF PROBLEM AREA -----
!CALL updtvarg(ixl,iyl,izl,cur_variogram,variogram_type,vrt,vrh,vrtpr,vrhpr)
Thanks very much in advance!
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