Based on the following:
1) The Latitude goes from -90 into +90 (i.e. this is where you stand on the middle of the globe going either up or down) (AKA vertically).
2) The Longitude goes from 0 to 360 (i.e. standing where you are, and going around the globe in a circle horizontally.
3) The Polygon usually has 4 points, however, in this case it would be 5 whereas the first and last points are the same to denote a closed-polygon.
4) Adding the apple requirements of ( "type": "MultiPolygon" ) plus coordinates,
5) You would end up with the following contents of a file:
{ "type": "MultiPolygon",
"coordinates": [
,[-360.0000, 90.0000]
,[-000.0000, 90.0000]
Therefore, start your text editor, and then copy and paste the above, save the file into World.geojson and then upload.
Mine worked fine.