my solution is the following:
- you've got your custom documentation (from the generated xml file) working
- enable HTML and XML tags within the documentation, they normally get filtered out, thanks this Post you can preserve them.
simply go to: ProjectName > Areas > HelpPage > XmlDocumentationProvider.cs
on line 123 in method: GetTagValue(XPathNavigator parentNode, string tagName)
change the code return node.Value.Trim();
to return node.InnerXml;
- create the following partial view:
this is my code:
@using System.Web.Http;
@using MyProject.Areas.HelpPage.Controllers;
@using MyProject.Areas.HelpPage;
@using MyProject.Areas.HelpPage.ModelDescriptions
@using System.Text.RegularExpressions
@model string
int @index = 0;
string @xml = Model;
if (@xml == null)
@xml = "";
Regex @seeRegex = new Regex("<( *)see( +)cref="([^"]):([^"]+)"( *)/>");//Regex("<see cref="T:([^"]+)" />");
Match @xmlSee = @seeRegex.Match(@xml);
string @typeAsText = "";
Type @tp;
ModelDescriptionGenerator modelDescriptionGenerator = (new HelpController()).Configuration.GetModelDescriptionGenerator();
@if (xml !="" && xmlSee != null && xmlSee.Length > 0)
while (xmlSee != null && xmlSee.Length > 0)
@MvcHtmlString.Create(@xml.Substring(@index, @xmlSee.Index - @index))
int startingIndex = xmlSee.Value.IndexOf(':')+1;
int endIndex = xmlSee.Value.IndexOf('"', startingIndex);
typeAsText = xmlSee.Value.Substring(startingIndex, endIndex - startingIndex); //.Replace("<see cref="T:", "").Replace("" />", "");
System.Reflection.Assembly ThisAssembly = typeof(ThisProject.Controllers.HomeController).Assembly;
tp = ThisAssembly.GetType(@typeAsText);
if (tp == null)//try another referenced project
System.Reflection.Assembly externalAssembly = typeof(MyExternalReferncedProject.AnyClassInIt).Assembly;
tp = externalAssembly.GetType(@typeAsText);
if (tp == null)//also another referenced project- as needed
System.Reflection.Assembly anotherExtAssembly = typeof(MyExternalReferncedProject2.AnyClassInIt).Assembly;
tp = anotherExtAssembly .GetType(@typeAsText);
if(tp == null)//case of nested class
System.Reflection.Assembly thisAssembly = typeof(ThisProject.Controllers.HomeController).Assembly;
//the below code is done to support detecting nested classes.
var processedTypeString = typeAsText;
var lastIndexofPoint = typeAsText.LastIndexOf('.');
while (lastIndexofPoint > 0 && tp == null)
processedTypeString = processedTypeString.Insert(lastIndexofPoint, "+").Remove(lastIndexofPoint + 1, 1);
tp = SPLocatorBLLAssembly.GetType(processedTypeString);//nested class are recognized as: namespace.outerClass+nestedClass
lastIndexofPoint = processedTypeString.LastIndexOf('.');
if (@tp != null)
ModelDescription md = modelDescriptionGenerator.GetOrCreateModelDescription(tp);
@Html.DisplayFor(m => md.ModelType, "ModelDescriptionLink", new { modelDescription = md })
index = xmlSee.Index + xmlSee.Length;
xmlSee = xmlSee.NextMatch();
@MvcHtmlString.Create(@xml.Substring(@index, @xml.Length - @index))
Finally Go to: ProjectNameAreasHelpPageViewsHelpDisplayTemplates**Parameters.cshtml**
at line '20' we have the code corresponding to the Description in the documentation.
<td class="parameter-documentation">
With THIS:
<td class="parameter-documentation">
@Html.Partial("_XML_SeeTagsRenderer", (@parameter.Documentation == null? "" : @parameter.Documentation.ToString()))
& Voila you must have it working now.
- i tried putting HTML list inside the docs and it rendered it fine
- i tried multiple class references (multiple
<see cref="MyClass">
and i worked fine
- you can't refer to a class that is declared within a class
- when you refer to a class that is outside the current project please add the assembly .getType of a class within that project (check my code above)
- any un-found class found inside a
<see cref>
will have it's full name printed in the description (for example if you reference a property or namespace, the code won't identify it as a type/class but it will be printed)