Some code I use and it's never failed, just put the Unix timestamp in, if you use a second argument in the function that can be the "to" condition
echo timeDiffrence('1300392875');
function timeDiffrence($from, $to = null){
$to = (($to === null) ? (time()) : ($to));
$to = ((is_int($to)) ? ($to) : (strtotime($to)));
$from = ((is_int($from)) ? ($from) : (strtotime($from)));
$units = array
"y" => 29030400, // seconds in a year (12 months)
"month" => 2419200, // seconds in a month (4 weeks)
"w" => 604800, // seconds in a week (7 days)
"d" => 86400, // seconds in a day (24 hours)
"h" => 3600, // seconds in an hour (60 minutes)
"m" => 60, // seconds in a minute (60 seconds)
"s" => 1 // 1 second
$diff = abs($from - $to);
$suffix = (($from > $to) ? ("from now") : ("ago"));
foreach($units as $unit => $mult)
if($diff >= $mult)
//$and = (($mult != 1) ? ("") : ("and "));
$output .= "".$and.intval($diff / $mult)."".$unit.((intval($diff / $mult) == 1) ? ("") : (""));
$diff -= intval($diff / $mult) * $mult;
$output .= " ".$suffix;
$output = substr($output, strlen(""));
if($output =='go' || $output ==' ago'){$output = 'A few secs ago';}
return $output;