I know I am late to the party, but there is another option for Edge that I have come across. Only .cur files will work in Edge for setting a custom cursor. You can use a URL to a .cur file or the path in your project to a local resource. But be sure to not put any numbers between end parens and the auto keyword.
My use case was changing the cursor for fabric js annotations. The important part is to not put anything between the end parens and the auto keyword or else Edge will ignore the cursor change. Chrome and Firefox of course have no problem with this.
So I check if it is Edge then I use
freeDrawingCursor = 'url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-7/oth697.cur),auto';
and if it is a different browser I can specify numbers such as
freeDrawingCursor = 'url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-7/oth697.cur) 0 34,auto';
Most answers you see online will show numbers being used so be aware of what browser your user is on.