Well, I have finally figured it myself!
@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if not exist Dates.txt goto not_found_dates
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set d=%ldt:~6,2%
set m=%ldt:~4,2%
set y=%ldt:~0,4%
set ldt=%d%.%m%.%y%
echo ************************
echo * Today: %ldt% *
set /a d=1%d%-99
if %d% gtr 31 (
set d=1
set /a m=1%m%-99
if %m% gtr 12 (
set m=1
set /a y+=1
xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
set td=0%d%
set td=%td:~-2%
set tm=0%m%
set tm=%tm:~-2%
set ty=%y%
set tomorrow=%td%.%tm%.%ty%
echo * Tomorrow: %tomorrow% *
echo ************************
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in (Dates.txt) do (
if "%%B"==" %tomorrow%" echo # You have %%Atomorrow!
goto :EOF
echo Dates.txt not found!
goto :EOF
It works for the Dates.txt file, that uses dates in this format:
EventName1 : 31.05.2016
EventName2 : 30.05.2016
EventName3 : 31.05.2016
EventName4 : 01.06.2016
EventName5 : 31.05.2016
EventName6 : 02.06.2016
EventName7 : 01.06.2016
(Shouldn't forget about single empty spaces before and after colon, and about leading zeros for days and months that are less than 10.)
At first, set /a d+=1
adds a day.
Then, this line:
xcopy /d:%m%-%d%-%y% /l . .. >nul 2>&1 || goto loop
checks if the date that was formed by set /a d+=1
part, actually exists in the calendar. If the date that was formed doesn't exist, it just "skips" the date, moving to the beginning of the loop to add one more day. This way, the date that doesn't exist can't be set as tomorrow's date.
The if %d% gtr 31 (
part is not doing anything unless it is actually 31st day of month today.
So, despite the if %d% gtr 31 (
part that looks somewhat confusing, this code still works well for months that have less than 31 days in them.
To understand it all better, turn @echo on
and trace the changes in the date values.
For example, if we use:
set d=30
set m=04
set y=2016
Output is:
* Today: 30.04.2016 *
* Tomorrow: 01.05.2016 *
Also, for:
set d=28
set m=02
set y=2015
* Today: 28.02.2015 *
* Tomorrow: 01.03.2015 *