This problem contains multiple different problems.
First we need get sheet's data validations and then for each data validation get Excel cell ranges the data validation applies to. If the cell is in one of that cell ranges and if data validation is a list constraint then do further proceedings. Else return a default value.
If we have a explicit list like "item1, item2, item3, ..." then return this.
Else if we have a formula creating the list and is formula1 a area reference to a range in same sheet, then get all cells in that cell range and put their values in an array and return this.
Else if we have a formula creating the list and is formula1 a reference to a defined name in Excel, then get the Excel cell range the name refers to. Get all cells in that cell range and put their values in an array and return this.
Complete Example. The ExcelWorkbook
contains the data validation in first sheet cell D1
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import java.util.List;
public class ExcelGetDataValidationList {
static String[] getDataFromAreaReference(AreaReference areaReference, Sheet sheet) {
DataFormatter dataFormatter = new DataFormatter();
Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook();
CellReference[] cellReferences = areaReference.getAllReferencedCells(); // get all cells in that cell range
String[] listValues = new String[cellReferences.length]; // and put their values in an array
for (int i = 0 ; i < cellReferences.length; i++) {
CellReference cellReference = cellReferences[i];
if (cellReference.getSheetName() == null) {
listValues[i] = dataFormatter.formatCellValue(
} else {
listValues[i] = dataFormatter.formatCellValue(
return listValues;
static String[] getDataValidationListValues(Sheet sheet, Cell cell) {
List<? extends DataValidation> dataValidations = sheet.getDataValidations(); // get sheet's data validations
for (DataValidation dataValidation : dataValidations) {
CellRangeAddressList addressList = dataValidation.getRegions(); // get Excel cell ranges the data validation applies to
CellRangeAddress[] addresses = addressList.getCellRangeAddresses();
for (CellRangeAddress address : addresses) {
if (address.isInRange(cell)) { // if the cell is in that cell range
DataValidationConstraint constraint = dataValidation.getValidationConstraint();
if (constraint.getValidationType() == DataValidationConstraint.ValidationType.LIST) { // if it is a list constraint
String[] explicitListValues = constraint.getExplicitListValues(); // if we have a explicit list like "item1, item2, item3, ..."
if (explicitListValues != null) return explicitListValues; // then return this
String formula1 = constraint.getFormula1(); // else if we have a formula creating the list
Workbook workbook = sheet.getWorkbook();
AreaReference areaReference = null;
try { // is formula1 a area reference?
areaReference = new AreaReference(formula1,
(workbook instanceof XSSFWorkbook)?SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007:SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97
String[] listValues = getDataFromAreaReference(areaReference, sheet); //get data from that area reference
return listValues; // and return this
} catch (Exception ex) {
// do nothing as creating AreaReference had failed
List<? extends Name> names = workbook.getNames(formula1); // is formula1 a reference to a defined name in Excel?
for (Name name : names) {
String refersToFormula = name.getRefersToFormula(); // get the Excel cell range the name refers to
areaReference = new AreaReference(refersToFormula,
(workbook instanceof XSSFWorkbook)?SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007:SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97
String[] listValues = getDataFromAreaReference(areaReference, sheet); //get data from that area reference
return listValues; // and return this
return new String[]{}; // per default return an empy array
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//String filePath = "ExcelWorkbook.xls";
String filePath = "ExcelWorkbook.xlsx";
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream(filePath));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Row row = sheet.getRow(0); if (row == null) row = sheet.createRow(0); // row 1
Cell cell = row.getCell(3); if (cell == null) cell = row.createCell(3); // cell D1
System.out.println(cell.getAddress() + ":" + cell);
String[] dataValidationListValues = getDataValidationListValues(sheet, cell);
for (String dataValidationListValue : dataValidationListValues) {
Note: Current Excel versions allow data validation list reference to be a direct area reference to another sheet without using a named range. But this is nothing what apache poi
can get. Apache poi
is on Excel 2007
level only.