First, you have to prepare a numpy 1D weight
array, specifying weight for each feature. You could do something like:
weight = np.ones((M,)) # M is no of features
weight[[1,7,10]] = 2 # Increase weight of 1st,7th and 10th features
weight = weight/weight.sum() #Normalize weights
You can use kobe_data_encoded.columns
to find indexes of season
, year
, month
features in your dataframe to replace 2nd line above.
Now define a distance function, which by guideline have to take two 1D numpy array.
def my_dist(x,y):
global weight #1D array, same shape as x or y
dist = ((x-y)**2) #1D array, same shape as x or y
return,weight) # a scalar float
And initialize KNeighborsRegressor
knn = KNeighborsRegressor(metric=my_dist)
To make things efficient, you can precompute distance matrix, and reuse it in KNN
. This should bring in significant speedup by reducing calls to my_dist
, since this non-vectorized custom python distance function is quite slow. So now -
dist = np.zeros((len(X),len(X))) #Computing NXN distance matrix
for i in range(len(X)): # You can halve this by using the fact that dist[i,j] = dist[j,i]
for j in range(len(X)):
dist[i,j] = my_dist(X[i],X[j])
for k in neighbors:
print('k: ', k)
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k, metric='precomputed') #Note: metric='precomputed'
cv_scores.append(np.mean(cross_val_score(knn, dist, y, cv=cv, scoring='roc_auc'))) #Note: passing dist instead of X
I couldn't test it, so let me know if something isn't alright.