learning angular got to services and component and observables.
I'm trying to implement a dark mode in my demo app. The control is done by a service which sets the dark theme based on the browser default if found.
Its initialized in the app component to later have control switches to be placed in the app.
The dark mode works from a boolean value so either true or false. As I understand using an observable isnt enough as I want multiple subscribers to all bind two ways to the subscription each in a different way toggling these observable in the service. I'm pretty sure that's correct so far.
The part I'm stuck. Say if you want 3 different components a button component I the toolbar, a checkbox in the settings and toggle switch in users main settings for example.
How would you use make the 2 way link between the observable in the services and each component so that when each component emits the toggle event all update ? I'm pretty sure behaviourSubject or subject observables are the correct route to go but the angular docs really only go into single case use ? Unless I cant see it and further explanation in the difference of these observables seems to be limited as to the difference between them. One returning from the init value other now but not their implementation across multiple components
Do you have a global observable that the components all create individual observables on init to update the view.. I'm clueless.. it seems so simple yet when trying to out it in practice mind boggling.