You can look up the Java version Tomcat is really running with in the manager app, which is installed by default. Go to http://hostname:8080/manager/html
(replace hostname by hostname or localhost), scroll to the bottom, there you will find "JVM Version".
Which JVM is selected depends a lot on the OS and way to install, maybe will help.
E.g. if you are running Windows with Tomcat with the service wrapper (I would recommend this for Windows), you can set the path to the JVM directly in the tray icon -> Configure Tomcat. In the Java tab e.g. set Java Virtual Machine to "D:javajdk1.6.0_35jreinserverjvm.dll" (disabled "use default") or where your JVM resides -> you need to specify the complete path to the jvm.dll.
Regarding getting to know which Java the system is running on: That's difficult to answer, there isn't really one Java version that the system is running as such. E.g. for Windows there may be one Java version set in the PATH, a potentially different one in JAVA_HOME / JRE_HOME / ..., one (or more) set in the registry, a certain version plugin active in each web browser used for applets etc. You have to check in the part you are interested in. Most good Java apps will display the version used somewhere, in logs, about dialogs or so. For Firefox you can check in the add-ons / plug-ins list. A Java exe wrapper like JSmooth can search for Java in different places and choose the most suitable, e.g. the newest, not necessarily the most "exposed".