I have read already a few threads about this, but I still don't know how to solve it in my case. I come from Java and mostly new to C#
I want to attach listener when animation finishes:
myStoryBoard.Completed += new EventHandler(onMyStoryBoardCompleted);
private void onMyStoryBoardCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
And I get the error in the title. I tried:
myStoryBoard.Completed += new EventHandler<object>(onMyStoryBoardCompleted);
But then I get:
no overload for 'onMyStoryBoardCompleted' matches delegate 'System.EventHandler<object>'
So it seems that the signature is not compatible with EventHandler<object> and I couldn't find how to make it compatible, I also don't know if this approach is correct.
I read
Understanding events and event handlers in C#
C# Dynamic template implicit conversion error from System.EventHandler to System.EventHandler<TEventArgs>
defining event handler for Tick event of DispatcherTimer in windows 8 app
But still don't find the solution for this case.
Thanks in advance.
private void onMyStoryBoardCompleted(object sender, object e) { }
And subscribe using the generic EventHandler<object>:
Of course, this goes against the .NET Framework convention that the second argument to an event handler should be an instance of EventArgs (or a class derived thereof). I am assuming that you are running on another framework, such as Windows 8 Metro, whose Timeline class defines a Completed event with an EventHandler<object> signature.
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