One option is to define a subproject for each jar that you want published. Have your main project depend on each. Give each subproject an appropriate name
, version
, and organization
. For each subproject, put its jar somewhere not on the classpath and make the output of packageBin
be that jar.
For example (sbt 0.13 build.sbt),
lazy val main = project.dependsOn(subA)
lazy val subA = project.settings(
name := "third-party",
organization := "org.example",
version := "1.4",
packageBin in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "bin" / "third-party.jar",
// if there aren't doc/src jars use the following to
// avoid publishing empty jars locally
// otherwise, define packageDoc/packageSrc like packageBin
publishArtifact in packageDoc := false,
publishArtifact in packageSrc := false,
// tell sbt to put the jar on main's classpath
// and not the (empty) class directory
exportJars := true,
// set this to not add _<scalaBinaryVersion> to the name
crossPaths := true
This approach allows you to change the jar in subA/bin/third-party.jar
and have it be used immediately and a subsequent publishLocal
will publish it locally.
If you prefer separately publishing it locally, so that it isn't part of the project, define subA
as a standalone project instead.