There is one solution on Rosetta Code:
pascalTriangle <- function(h) {
for(i in 0:(h-1)) {
s <- ""
for(k in 0:(h-i)) s <- paste(s, " ", sep="")
for(j in 0:i) {
s <- paste(s, sprintf("%3d ", choose(i, j)), sep="")
I would store this in a list if I was developing it myself, since that is the most natural data structure to handle variable length rows. But you really would need to clarify a use case before making that decision. Are you intending on doing analysis on the data after it has been generated?
Here is the Rosetta solution rewritten with less looping, and storing the results as a list:
pascalTriangle <- function(h) {
lapply(0:h, function(i) choose(i, 0:i))