Here's an example of how to do it with the Conda Python package (run this in base environment):
import conda.gateways.logging
from conda.core.envs_manager import list_all_known_prefixes
from conda.cli.main_list import list_packages
from conda.common.compat import text_type
# package to search for; this can be a regex
PKG_REGEX = "pymc3"
for prefix in list_all_known_prefixes():
exitcode, output = list_packages(prefix, PKG_REGEX)
# only print envs with results
if exitcode == 0 and len(output) > 3:
'.join(map(text_type, output)))
This works as of Conda v4.10.0, but there since it relies on internal methods, there's no guarantee going forward. Perhaps this should be a feature request, say for a CLI command like conda list --any
Script Version
Here is a version that uses arguments for package names:
#!/usr/bin/env conda run -n base --no-capture-output python
## Usage: [PACKAGE ...]
## Example: numpy pandas
import conda.gateways.logging
from conda.core.envs_manager import list_all_known_prefixes
from conda.cli.main_list import list_packages
from conda.common.compat import text_type
import sys
for pkg in sys.argv[1:]:
print("# Checking for package '%s'..." % pkg)
n = 0
for prefix in list_all_known_prefixes():
exitcode, output = list_packages(prefix, pkg)
if exitcode == 0 and len(output) > 3:
n += 1
" + "
".join(map(text_type, output)))
# Found %d environment%s with '%s'." % (n, "" if n == 1 else "s", pkg))
print("#"*80 + "
The shebang at the top should ensure that it will run in base, at least on Unix/Linux systems.