First of all your code doesn't work at all and it's wrong.
Here's the code that works:
// base function
function Man(name) {
// private property
var lover = "simron";
// public property
this.wife = "rocy";
// privileged method
this.getLover = function(){return lover};
// public method
Man.prototype.getWife = function(){return this.wife;};
// child function
function Indian(){
var lover = "jothika";
this.wife = "kamala";
this.getLover = function(){return lover};
Indian.prototype = new Man();
Indian.prototype.constructor = Indian;
var oneIndian = new Indian();
aMan didn't exist until you declared it.
Also you should have set the ctor to Indian.
And at last, getLover is a closure that refers to Man and not to Indian.
Declaring it again refers it to the right scope.
See here and here for further details and improvements of your code.