As I answered on the linked question, the v140 toolset in VS 2015 and the v141 toolset in VS 2017 are binary compatible. v141 was built as a member of the same "family" as all the updates to v140 (e.g., VS 2015 Update 1, 2, 3) were all in the same family. This was an intentional design decision that helps developers to move to a new version of VS without worrying about having to make changes in their source code.
VS 2017 can support multiple toolsets. The next toolset will not be binary compatible with v140/v141. But you'll still be able to install v141 as you move your code to be compatible with the new C++ features in the next toolset.
Note that we never have supported binary compatibility across major versions. You can't link a binary built with v140 and a binary built with v130, regardless of WPO/LTCG/etc. Yes, it often works--we try to minimize breaking changes in our libraries so often it is the case that linking some code across major versions doesn't hit any errors. But eventually you'll run into something that changed and you'll see an error.
As to whether you see a link error or a runtime error, that depends on the incompatible library API that you called. If the exported shape of the API changed--the name of the function, the number of parameters--then the linker will fail to find it. If the shape is the same but the behavior has changed, you can end up with a runtime failure.
--Andrew Pardoe, MSVC tools