It was already mentioned in this question, Android obsolete library Android Support Library
is no longer available.
Using jfxmobile
plugin version 1.3.1 solves the issue, as it uses the multidex library that should be found here: ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/multidex/1.0.1/multidex-1.0.1.aar
Note you need to install with the Android SDK Manager both Extras/Google Repository and Extras/Android Support Repository.
Also is advisable to create a properties file with the ANDROID_HOME variable, under /Users/<user>/.gradle/
and remove the line in the build.gradle -> jfxmobile -> android -> androidSdk.
As for the Charm dependencies you are using the wrong repository, you need:
repositories {
maven {
url ''
Finally, you don't show a ControlsFX dependency, so it is not possible to have the exception posted in the first place.