Your issue has to do with how you are registering your static assets path with Express.
Your registration looks like this:
const staticPath = path.join(__dirname, "../public")
This is telling Express to look in the "../public" folder on the server for a static file whose path relative to the ../public folder matches that of the request.
For example, a request for "localhost:3000/css/homePageStyle.css" would match a file on the server at "../public/css/homePageStyle.css".
But note that "public" is not included in the HTTP request path because it is the root folder in which Express looks for static files.
To fix your CSS references in your templates, you would need to do either:
Remove "public" from the style link href in your templates: <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../public/css/homePageStyles.css">
becomes <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/homePageStyles.css">
Specify "/public" as a virtual path prefix when registering your static assets path with Express: app.use("/public", express.static(staticPath))
Next, the reason your homepage is not including your header partial is because your index.hbs file is not even getting processed! You have an "index.html" file in your "public" folder. When your HTTP request is to localhost:3000/, Express looks in the server's public folder and finds a match with index.html and so returns that without even executing the GET handler for "/". You need to remove that "index.html" file, as you are not intending to serve it.