and comm.Gatherv
do not know anything about the numpy array dimensions. They just see the sendbuf
as a block of memory. Therefore it is necessary to take this into account when specifying the sendcounts
and displacements
(see for details). The assumption is also that the data is laid out in C-style (row major) in memory.
An example for a 2D matrix is given below. The key parts of this code are to set split_sizes_input
and displacements_input
correctly. The code takes the second dimension size into account to specify the correct divisions in the memory block:
split_sizes_input = split_sizes*512
For higher dimensions, this line would be changed to:
split_sizes_input = split_sizes*indirect_dimension_sizes
indirect_dimension_sizes = npts2*npts3*npts4*....*nptsN
and likewise for split_sizes_output
The code creates a 2D array with the numbers 1 to 512 incrementing across one dimension. It is easy to see from the plots if the data has been split and recombined correctly.
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
if rank == 0:
test = np.arange(0,512,dtype='float64')
test = np.tile(test,[256,1]) #Create 2D input array. Numbers 1 to 512 increment across dimension 2.
outputData = np.zeros([256,512]) #Create output array of same size
split = np.array_split(test,size,axis = 0) #Split input array by the number of available cores
split_sizes = []
for i in range(0,len(split),1):
split_sizes = np.append(split_sizes, len(split[i]))
split_sizes_input = split_sizes*512
displacements_input = np.insert(np.cumsum(split_sizes_input),0,0)[0:-1]
split_sizes_output = split_sizes*512
displacements_output = np.insert(np.cumsum(split_sizes_output),0,0)[0:-1]
print("Input data split into vectors of sizes %s" %split_sizes_input)
print("Input data split with displacements of %s" %displacements_input)
plt.title('Input data')
#Create variables on other cores
split_sizes_input = None
displacements_input = None
split_sizes_output = None
displacements_output = None
split = None
test = None
outputData = None
split = comm.bcast(split, root=0) #Broadcast split array to other cores
split_sizes = comm.bcast(split_sizes_input, root = 0)
displacements = comm.bcast(displacements_input, root = 0)
split_sizes_output = comm.bcast(split_sizes_output, root = 0)
displacements_output = comm.bcast(displacements_output, root = 0)
output_chunk = np.zeros(np.shape(split[rank])) #Create array to receive subset of data on each core, where rank specifies the core
print("Rank %d with output_chunk shape %s" %(rank,output_chunk.shape))
comm.Scatterv([test,split_sizes_input, displacements_input,MPI.DOUBLE],output_chunk,root=0)
output = np.zeros([len(output_chunk),512]) #Create output array on each core
for i in range(0,np.shape(output_chunk)[0],1):
output[i,0:512] = output_chunk[i]
plt.title("Output shape %s for rank %d" %(output.shape,rank))
print("Output shape %s for rank %d" %(output.shape,rank))
comm.Gatherv(output,[outputData,split_sizes_output,displacements_output,MPI.DOUBLE], root=0) #Gather output data together
if rank == 0:
outputData = outputData[0:len(test),:]
print("Final data shape %s" %(outputData.shape,))