You're not doing anything wrong. That's just how Adaptive Cards work in Teams, perhaps as a way to signify that the data has been sent to the bot successfully. There may be something you can do to fix your problem though.
Adaptive Card input fields have a value
property that allows you to specify the field's initial value. If you send a card to the user and the input fields' value
properties are populated, the fields won't be empty. This means you can send such a card as an update instead of a new activity and it will look like the card has been modified in place, since Teams supports updating activities. If the update uses the same card but with the values the user entered then it will look like the card remains unchanged, which would fix your problem of the values disappearing.
There was a question about dynamically adding input fields to Adaptive Cards, and the answer contains sample code that preserves input field values:
var inputId = `text${i}`;
type: "Input.Text",
id: inputId,
value: cardData[inputId] // This is where the value is preserved
If you want this whole process to be made easier with prebuilt code that you can install in NuGet packages, feel free to voice your support for these ideas on GitHub:
AdaptiveCard Prompt