If your goal is to simply have heterogeneous regions (rather than specifically blocky, symmetric things), you might play around with some of the answers here: Creating a random shape (blob) of a given area in NetLogo
Frank's solution and my first solution will probably run pretty slow on that large of a world. I just added a solution that should scale to a world of your size. I've put it here too for convenience:
to make-blob [ area x y ]
let blob-maker nobody
crt 1 [ set blob-maker self setxy x y ]
let border patch-set [ patch-here ] of blob-maker
repeat area [
ask blob-maker [
ask min-one-of border [ distance myself ] [
set pcolor green
set border (patch-set border neighbors4) with [ pcolor = black ]
rt random 360
fd .8
ask blob-maker [ die ]
That said, if you like the blockiness, it's often the case that models with a large number of patches in a blocky formation can be reworked into models with a smaller number of patches that behave quite similarly. For example, one strategy is to scale down the size and movements of the turtles so that the world is still relatively large to them.