I you are using AngularJS 1.3+, you can try $scope.$applyAsync()
right after $scope.beers = response.data;
This is what Angular documentation says about $applyAsync()
Schedule the invocation of $apply to occur at a later time. The actual time difference varies across browsers, but is typically around ~10 milliseconds. Source
As others have pointed out, you should not (usually) need to trigger the digest cycle manually. Most of the times it just points to a bad design (or at least not an AngularJS-friendly design) of your application.
Currently in the OP the fetch
method is triggered on $watch. If instead that method was to be triggered by ngChange
, the digest cycle should be triggered automatically.
Here is an example what such a code might look like:
// please note the "controller as" syntax would be preferred, but that is out of the scope of this question/answer
<input ng-model="search" ng-change="fetchBeers()">
function SearchController($scope, $http) {
$scope.search = "Sherlock Holmes";
$scope.fetchBeers = function () {
const query = `http://api.com/v2/search?q=${$scope.search}&key=[API KEY]&format=json`;
$http.get(query).then(response => $scope.beers = response.data);