Here is what I came up with:
Public Function GetDate()
Dim dt As Date = Today
Dim FirstWeek As Integer = 1
Dim SecondWeek As Integer = 2
Dim ThirdWeek As Integer = 3
Dim FourthWeek As Integer = 4
Dim LastWeek As Integer = 5
MsgBox(GetNthDayOfNthWeek(dt, DayOfWeek.Monday, LastWeek).ToString)
End Function
Public Function GetNthDayOfNthWeek(ByVal dt As Date, ByVal DayofWeek As Integer, ByVal WhichWeek As Integer) As Date
'specify which day of which week of a month and this function will get the date
'this function uses the month and year of the date provided
'get first day of the given date
Dim dtFirst As Date = DateSerial(dt.Year, dt.Month, 1)
'get first DayOfWeek of the month
Dim dtRet As Date = dtFirst.AddDays(6 - dtFirst.AddDays(-(DayofWeek + 1)).DayOfWeek)
'get which week
dtRet = dtRet.AddDays((WhichWeek - 1) * 7)
'if day is past end of month then adjust backwards a week
If dtRet >= dtFirst.AddMonths(1) Then
dtRet = dtRet.AddDays(-7)
End If
Return dtRet
End Function