The simple solution is trial division. Let's work through the factorization of 13195, then you can apply that method to the larger number that interests you.
Start with a trial divisor of 2; 13195 divided by 2 leaves a remainder of 1, so 2 does not divide 13195, and we can go on to the next trial divisor. Next we try 3, but that leaves a remainder of 1; then we try 4, but that leaves a remainder of 3. The next trial divisor is 5, and that does divide 13195, so we output 5 as a factor of 13195, reduce the original number to 2639 = 13195 / 5, and try 5 again. Now 2639 divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 4, so we advance to 6, which leaves a remainder of 5, then we advance to 7, which does divide 2639, so we output 7 as a factor of 2639 (and also a factor of 13195) and reduce the original number again to 377 = 2639 / 7. Now we try 7 again, but it fails to divide 377, as does 8, and 9, and 10, and 11, and 12, but 13 divides 2639. So we output 13 as a divisor of 377 (and of 2639 and 13195) and reduce the original number again to 29 = 377 / 13. As this point we are finished, because the square of the trial divisor, which is still 13, is greater than the remaining number, 29, which proves that 29 is prime; that is so because if n=pq, then either p or q must be less than, or equal to the square root of n, and since we have tried all those divisors, the remaining number, 29, must be prime. Thus, 13195 = 5 * 7 * 13 * 29.
Here's a pseudocode description of the algorithm:
function factors(n)
f = 2
while f * f <= n
if f divides n
output f
n = n / f
f = f + 1
output n
There are better ways to factor integers. But this method is sufficient for Project Euler #3, and for many other factorization projects as well. If you want to learn more about prime numbers and factorization, I modestly recommend the essay Programming with Prime Numbers at my blog, which among other things has a python implementation of the algorithm described above.