There are a couple of different ways.
If you want to copy the items from a to b:
private static void CopySelectedItems(ListView source, ListView target)
foreach (ListViewItem item in source.SelectedItems)
If you want to move the items from a to b:
private static void MoveSelectedItems(ListView source, ListView target)
while (source.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
ListViewItem temp = source.SelectedItems[0];
You mention that you want to preserve the order in which the items are located in the source ListView
control. I assume that they appear there in some sorted order? If so, you can create a function that uses the same sorting rule to figure out where to insert an item in the target ListView
(my example uses the value in the second column:
private static void CopySelectedItems(ListView source, ListView target)
foreach (ListViewItem item in source.SelectedItems)
ListViewItem clone = (ListViewItem)item.Clone();
target.Items.Insert(GetInsertPosition(clone, target), clone); ;
private static int GetInsertPosition(ListViewItem item, ListView target)
const int compareColumn = 1;
foreach (ListViewItem targetItem in target.Items)
if (targetItem.SubItems[compareColumn].Text.CompareTo(item.SubItems[compareColumn].Text) > 0)
return targetItem.Index;
return target.Items.Count;
It's hard to give a more exact answer without knowing more details.