Apparently accessing the DropDowns collection directly is verboten. A workaround is to access the Validation property of the cell containing the dropdown, get it's formula and then parse out the location of the list.
Excel.Range dropDownCell = (Excel.Range)ws.get_Range("A1", "A1"); //cell containing dropdown
string formulaRange = dropDownCell.Validation.Formula1;
string[] splitFormulaRange = formulaRange.Substring(1,formulaRange.Length-1).Split(':');
Excel.Range valRange = (Excel.Range)ws.get_Range(splitFormulaRange[0], splitFormulaRange[1]);
for (int nRows = 1; nRows <= valRange.Rows.Count; nRows++) {
for (int nCols = 1; nCols <= valRange.Columns.Count; nCols++) {
Excel.Range aCell = (Excel.Range)valRange.Cells[nRows, nCols];