Change your select query and add distinct with inner join.
For example there are two query from which you can understand that what I want to tell you
Wrong query
select iop.pob_id, iop.pob_product_id, iop.pob_qty, iop.pob_unit_id
, iop.pob_rate, iop.pob_value, iop.pob_fiscalyear_id
, **p.product_desc** as orderBy from inv_product_open_balc iop
left join inv_product p on iop.pob_product_id = p.product_id
where p.product_desc like 'Air Freshner%' and iop.pob_fiscalyear_id = 3
Correct query
select distinct iop.pob_id, iop.pob_product_id, iop.pob_qty
, iop.pob_unit_id, iop.pob_rate, iop.pob_value, iop.pob_fiscalyear_id
, **(select Product_desc from** inv_product p where p.product_id = iop.pob_product_id )as orderBy
from inv_product_open_balc iop
inner join inv_product p on iop.pob_product_id = p.product_id
where p.product_desc like 'Air Freshner%' and iop.pob_fiscalyear_id = 3