No, it's not.
This is because map performs its internal ordering based on key. If you could modify the key yourself, willy-nilly, all hell would break loose.
You should use the provided API functions; where the use of one results in changing a Key value (actually I don't think that any do), the appropriate internal re-ordering may take place.
Think of getters and setters, and their use in providing an alternative to messy/dangerous direct member access.
However, you could write this:
template<class T>
void foo(const T& m)
typename T::key_type x;
x = 0;
type aliases
key_type Key
mapped_type T
value_type pair<const Key,T>
key_compare Compare
value_compare Nested class to compare elements
allocator_type Allocator
reference Allocator::reference
const_reference Allocator::const_reference
iterator Bidirectional iterator
const_iterator Constant bidirectional iterator
size_type Unsigned integral type (usually same as size_t)
difference_type Signed integral type (usually same as ptrdiff_t)
pointer Allocator::pointer
const_pointer Allocator::const_pointer
reverse_iterator reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator<const_iterator>