I've been pulling my hair out over this and I think I found the issue, at least with regards to my app - it's got something to do with the aspect ratio of the preview image versus the captured image.
In my case, my code was sniffing out the ideal preview size based on the aspect ratio of the screen. The S4 is a 1080p phone, so the preview image was 1920x1080, which is a 16:9 aspect ratio. But my code was hardcoded to capturing a 1600x1200 image, which is 4:3, because that's all I needed. But 1600x1200 is not one of the valid sizes the S4 supports.
Without setting the size, the S4 captured 4128x3096, which is the maximum size, and is 4:3, but the lines still appeared. Once I told the camera to capture a 16:9 photo, the lines went away. In your case, you might want to adjust the preview's aspect ratio.
Here's some code which can tell you the available sizes.
List<Camera.Size> previewSizes = p.getSupportedPreviewSizes();
int i = 1;
for (Size previewSize : previewSizes) {
Log.v("DebugCamera", "previewSize " + i++ + " width: " + previewSize.width + " height: " + previewSize.height);