Well, there's an option other then upgrading to newest version of Flash Player and SDK.
(嗯,除了升级到Flash Player和SDK的最新版本外,还有其他选择。)
It is not a better option, not very elegant, yet simpler. (这不是一个更好的选择,不是很优雅,但是更简单。)
Unless you are running some huge datasets, performance of the VPlus.insertAt(...) implementation is not an issue too. (除非您正在运行一些庞大的数据集,否则VPlus.insertAt(...)实现的性能也不是问题。)
public class VPlus
static public function deleteAt(V:*, index:int):void
// The method cuts a portion of Vector and returns it.
// We need just the "cut" part, yet it suffices.
V.splice(index, 1);
static public function insertAt(V:*, index:int, element:*):void
// Fix for from-the-end-and-backwards indexing.
if (index < 0)
index = V.length - index;
// Add one more element to the end of the given Vector.
// Shift the Vector's elements from index and on.
for (var i:int = V.length - 2; i >= index; i--)
V[i+1] = V[i];
// Put the new element to its designated place.
V[index] = element;
// myVec.deleteAt(10);
VPlus.deleteAt(myVec, 10);
// myVec.insertAt(15, "Hello World!");
VPlus.insertAt(myVec, 15, "Hello World!");