Intellij uses @types/* libraries for for helping with react code completion.
(Intellij使用@ types / *库来帮助完成代码。)
react-native-paper doesn't have this kind of seperate library.As its author claims it does ship with types inside it:(react-native-paper没有这种单独的库,正如它的作者所说的那样,它确实带有内部类型:)
Well I couldn't get it working how much I tried so I asked it here as the author suggested.What I tried:
- Added 'allowJS' : true to your jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file since there was no file like that I created it myself( )
(为您的jsconfig.json或tsconfig.json文件添加了'allowJS':true,因为没有我自己创建的文件( ))
- The next thing going to Setting->Language And FrameWorks->Javascript->Libraries->Add... click the above plus button attach files and added the directory of the library.
(接下来要做的是设置->语言和FrameWorks-> Javascript->库->添加...单击上面的加号按钮附加文件,并添加了库的目录。)
So How do you guys got it working?Please let us know.Thank you so much.
ask by steve moretz translate from so