I encounter "Object of type 'Response' is not JSON serializable" which may cause by var cips when I am developing an article comment using flask.So I comment all cips,however,Pycharm still report error "jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'cips' is undefined", I really don't understand.
(我在使用flask开发文章注释时遇到“类型'Response'的对象不可JSON序列化”这可能是由var cips引起的。所以我注释了所有cips,但是,Pycharm仍然报告错误“ jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError:” cips'未定义”,我真的不明白。)
Didn't I comment all the cips variables?(我没有注释所有cips变量吗?)
Here is my html code(as you will see,I comment all cips)
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}
{{ article.title }}-Article
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="articlePage">
Title:{{ article.title }}<br/>
PostTime:{{ article.postTime }}<br/>
Email:{{ user.email[0]+"***"+user.email[user.email.index('@'):] }}<br/>
Abstract:{{ article.abstract }}<br/>
Highlight Part:{{ article.highlight_part }}<br/>
Download Link:<a href="../{{ article.dl_link }}">download</a>
<button><a href="../upvote/{{ article.id }}">up:{{ article.upvoteNum }}</a></button>
<button><a href="../downvote/{{ article.id }}">down:{{ article.downvoteNum }}</a></button>
<div class="post comment" >
<form action="/{{ article.id }}/comment" method="post" id="form">
Email:<input type="email" name="email" required><br/>
Content:<br/> <textarea name="content" id="" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea><br/>
<input type="text" id="code" disabled>
<input type="text" id="input">
<button onclick="validate()">submit</button>
// var cips=[];
<div class="comment" >
<div id="div"></div>
{% for i in range(0,comments |length) %}
{% set comment=comments[i] %}
<!-- {% set cip=cips[i] |tojson %}-->
<!-- {% set commentState=cips[i].vote_state%}-->
<p>{{ loop.index }}. Email:{{ comment.email }}</p>
<p>PostTime:{{ comment.postTime }}</p>
<p>Content:{{ comment.content }}</p>
<div id="vote_div">
{% set up_btn_id='up_btn'~ i|string %}
{% set down_btn_id='down_btn'~ i|string %}
// cips.push('{{cips[i]}}');
// commentState="{{ cips[i].vote_state}}";
// console.log(commentState);
// console.log('{{up_btn_id}}')
<!-- {% if cip.vote_state ==0 %}-->
<!-- <button id='{{up_btn_id}}' onclick="upVote(this)">up:{{ comment.upvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!--<!– <button><a href="../cupvote/{{ comment.id }}">up:{{ comment.upvoteNum }}</a></button>–>-->
<!-- <button id="{{down_btn_id}}" onclick="downVote(this)">down:{{ comment.downvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!--<!– <button><a href="../cdownvote/{{ comment.id }}">down:{{ comment.downvoteNum }}</a></button>–>-->
<!-- {% elif cip.vote_state ==1 %}-->
<!-- <button id='{{up_btn_id}}' onclick="upVote(this)" style="color: green">up:{{ comment.upvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!-- <button id="{{down_btn_id}}" onclick="downVote(this)">down:{{ comment.downvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!-- {% else %}-->
<!-- <button id='{{up_btn_id}}' onclick="upVote(this)">up:{{ comment.upvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!-- <button id="{{down_btn_id}}" onclick="downVote(this)" style="color: red">down:{{ comment.downvoteNum }}</button>-->
<!-- {% endif %}-->
{% if flag==1 %}
<form action="../cdelete/{{ comment.id }}" method="post">
Password:<input type="password" name="psw">
<input type="submit" value="delete">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
This is python (I also not pass cips )
def article(article_id):
article = articleService.find_by_id(article_id)
user = userService.find_by_id(article.user_id)
ip = ipService.find_ip_by_ip(request.remote_addr)
aip = ipService.find_aip_both(article_id, ip.id)
comments = commentService.find_by_articleid(article_id)
# find all comment state related to this ip
for index in range(0,len(comments)):
if aip is None: # 第一次访问
aip = ArticleIp(ip_id=ip.id, article_id=article_id, vote_state=0)
# todo what the response means?
return render_template('article.html', article=article, user=user, comments=comments, flag=0)
ask by user9782872 translate from so