I once used Lodash _.pluck
...I loved pluck...
(我曾经使用过Lodash _.pluck
Realizing Lodash no longer supports pluck
(as of Lodash 4.x), I'm struggling to remember what to use instead...
(从Lodash 4.x开始),我很难记住要用什么代替......)
I went to the docs , hit cmd-f, typed 'pluck', but my poor abandoned friend is not even given a proper mention...not even a 'has been replaced by'...
(我去了文档 ,打了cmd-f,输入'pluck',但是我可怜的被遗弃的朋友甚至没有给出适当的提及......甚至没有'被'取代'......)
Can someone please remind me what I'm supposed to use instead?
ask by sfletche translate from so