I have 2 collections , Employees and Leads.(我有2个收藏集,员工和潜在顾客。)
Consider the query :(考虑查询:)
const collections = Employees.aggregate(
$group: {
_id: "$LeadId",
total: { $sum: "$..." }
$lookup: {
from: "leads",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "LeadId",
as: "Joined"
{ $unwind: "$Joined" },
{ $sort: { total: -1 } }
function(err, results) {
if (err) {
// whatever
It produces the result :(它产生结果:)
[0] _id: '6822ace7-00c4-4a3c-ac8e-56c7d715066c',
[0] total: 0,
[0] Joined: {
[0] _id: 5de1bda51406d20017e69dbb,
[0] Rooms: '3',
[0] PhoneNumberMasque: '541234567',
[0] supplier: 5de1bd861406d20017e69db2,
[0] PackageId: 'Package_1457d5a7-2798-4ad6-99ca-a634b94e845d',
[0] LeadId: '6822ace7-00c4-4a3c-ac8e-56c7d715066c',
[0] __v: 0
[0] }
[0] },
The rest of the result of lookup is inside the Joined
How can it be extracted out ?(如何将其提取出来?)
EDIT With @Ashh suggestion the result is :(使用@Ashh建议进行编辑 ,结果为:)
[0] _id: '559c02a3-d933-41ff-b605-82a23ee94702',
[0] Rooms: '2',
[0] PhoneNumberMasque: '52123456',
[0] supplier: 5de1bd861406d20017e69db2,
[0] PackageId: 'Package_1457d5a7-2798-4ad6-99ca-a634b94e845d',
[0] LeadId: '559c02a3-d933-41ff-b605-82a23ee94702',
[0] PublishDate: 2019-11-30T02:53:57.000Z,
[0] Duplicate: false,
[0] Valid: true,
[0] __v: 0,
[0] total: 2,
[0] Joined: {
[0] _id: 5de1bda51406d20017e69dba,
[0] Rooms: '2',
[0] PhoneNumberMasque: '52123456',
[0] supplier: 5de1bd861406d20017e69db2,
[0] PackageId: 'Package_1457d5a7-2798-4ad6-99ca-a634b94e845d',
[0] LeadId: '559c02a3-d933-41ff-b605-82a23ee94702',
[0] PublishDate: 2019-11-30T02:53:57.000Z,
[0] Duplicate: false,
[0] Valid: true,
[0] __v: 0
[0] }
[0] },
ask by JAN translate from so