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in Technique[技术] by (71.8m points)

julia - 在Catalina机器上安装Julia 0.64(Installing Julia 0.64 on Catalina Machine)

Done this multiple times before on Windows machines with no issues.


But after installing Julia Pro on a Catalina machine, I keep getting this error when I try to add the Gurobi package with Pkg.add("Gurobi"):

(但是在Catalina机器上安装了Julia Pro之后,当我尝试使用Pkg.add(“ Gurobi”)添加Gurobi软件包时,仍然出现此错误:)

ERROR: SystemError: realpath: No such file or directory


I tried giving Julia full disk access per the only comment I have seen elsewhere.


I have also defined the path to Gurobi correctly I believe with ENV["GUROBI_HOME"] = "/Library/gurobi811/mac64"

(我也相信ENV [“ GUROBI_HOME”] =“ / Library / gurobi811 / mac64”正确定义了Gurobi的路径)

Anything else I can do?


This is older code so was hoping to avoid updating it to work with Julia 1.x.

(这是较旧的代码,因此希望避免对其进行更新以与Julia 1.x一起使用。)

Thank you!


I have burned two days trying to figure this out!


  ask by rendermonster translate from so

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by (71.8m points)

It's only become commonplace recently for packages to put upper-bounds on the version of Julia itself or their dependencies;


indeed it's now a requirement for registering new versions automatically.


But in the old days we were much looser about that.


As a consequence, there may be versions of Gurobi that claim to work with a wider variety of Julia versions than they really do, or packages that work together in certain versions but not in others, without any way for Pkg to know what the magic combinations are.


You may need to manually install a version of Gurobi that was "modern" at the time of Julia 0.6.

(您可能需要手动安装在Julia 0.6时为“现代”的Gurobi版本。)

But you should also expect to have to do this kind of digging for other packages that you will use.


Given how much time you've spent on this, I think your better option is to install Julia 0.7 and use its warnings to tell you how to modernize your code.

(考虑到您花了多少时间,我认为您最好的选择是安装Julia 0.7,并使用警告来告诉您如何现代化代码。)

Once done, you can use Julia 1.x.


But it's much easier to get to 1.x through 0.7 than it is to jump straight to 1.x.


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