you can try this code
import requests
import re
city_list = ['Jerusalem', 'Tel-Aviv', 'New York', 'London', 'Madrid', 'Alliance',
'Mocoa', 'March', 'San Miguel', 'Neiva', 'Naranjito', 'San Fernando',
'Alliance', 'Progreso', 'NewYork', 'Toronto']
city_country_dict = {}
country_city_dict = {}
for city in city_list:
response = requests.request("GET", f"{city}&country=")
country = re.findall("/countries.*.html", response.text)[0].strip(".html").split("/")[-1]
if country not in country_city_dict:
country_city_dict[country] = [city]
city_country_dict[city] = country
this code make request to geoname with city name and than search for the first link to country, you can change this and use beautifulsoup to make it more elegant.
if you run this code on large list notice that it takes time because he wait for response from geoname!
example output:
city_country_dict = {'Jerusalem': 'israe', 'Tel-Aviv': 'israe', 'New York': 'united-states', 'London': 'united-kingdo', 'Madrid': 'spain', 'Alliance': 'united-states', 'Mocoa': 'colombia', 'March': 'switzerland', 'San Miguel': 'el-salvador', 'Neiva': 'colombia', 'Naranjito': 'puerto-rico', 'San Fernando': 'trinidad-and-tobago', 'Progreso': 'honduras', 'NewYork': 'united-kingdo', 'Toronto': 'canada'}
country_city_dict = {'israe': ['Jerusalem', 'Tel-Aviv'], 'united-states': ['New York', 'Alliance', 'Alliance'], 'united-kingdo': ['London', 'NewYork'], 'spain': ['Madrid'], 'colombia': ['Mocoa', 'Neiva'], 'switzerland': ['March'], 'el-salvador': ['San Miguel'], 'puerto-rico': ['Naranjito'], 'trinidad-and-tobago': ['San Fernando'], 'honduras': ['Progreso'], 'canada': ['Toronto']}