The [Flags]
attribute should be used whenever the enumerable represents a collection of possible values, rather than a single value.
Such collections are often used with bitwise operators, for example: (此类集合通常与按位运算符一起使用,例如:)
var allowedColors = MyColor.Red | MyColor.Green | MyColor.Blue;
Note that the [Flags]
attribute doesn't enable this by itself - all it does is allow a nice representation by the .ToString()
(请注意, [Flags]
enum Suits { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }
[Flags] enum SuitsFlags { Spades = 1, Clubs = 2, Diamonds = 4, Hearts = 8 }
var str1 = (Suits.Spades | Suits.Diamonds).ToString();
// "5"
var str2 = (SuitsFlags.Spades | SuitsFlags.Diamonds).ToString();
// "Spades, Diamonds"
It is also important to note that [Flags]
does not automatically make the enum values powers of two.
If you omit the numeric values, the enum will not work as one might expect in bitwise operations, because by default the values start with 0 and increment. (如果省略数字值,则枚举将无法按位操作,因为默认情况下,该值从0开始并递增。)
Incorrect declaration:
public enum MyColors
Yellow, // 0
Green, // 1
Red, // 2
Blue // 3
The values, if declared this way, will be Yellow = 0, Green = 1, Red = 2, Blue = 3. This will render it useless as flags.
(如果以此方式声明,则这些值将为Yellow = 0,Green = 1,Red = 2,Blue =3。这将使其变为无用的标志。)
Here's an example of a correct declaration:
public enum MyColors
Yellow = 1,
Green = 2,
Red = 4,
Blue = 8
To retrieve the distinct values in your property, one can do this:
if (myProperties.AllowedColors.HasFlag(MyColor.Yellow))
// Yellow is allowed...
or prior to .NET 4:
(或.NET 4之前的版本:)
if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Yellow) == MyColor.Yellow)
// Yellow is allowed...
if((myProperties.AllowedColors & MyColor.Green) == MyColor.Green)
// Green is allowed...
Under the covers
This works because you used powers of two in your enumeration.
Under the covers, your enumeration values look like this in binary ones and zeros: (在幕后,您的枚举值看起来像这样的二进制1和0:)
Yellow: 00000001
Green: 00000010
Red: 00000100
Blue: 00001000
Similarly, after you've set your property AllowedColors to Red, Green and Blue using the binary bitwise OR |
(同样,在使用二进制按位OR |
operator, AllowedColors looks like this: (运算符, AllowedColors看起来像这样:)
myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110
So when you retrieve the value you are actually performing bitwise AND &
on the values:
myProperties.AllowedColors: 00001110
MyColor.Green: 00000010
00000010 // Hey, this is the same as MyColor.Green!
The None = 0 value
(无= 0值)
And regarding the use of 0
in your enumeration, quoting from MSDN:
public enum MyColors
None = 0,
Use None as the name of the flag enumerated constant whose value is zero.
You cannot use the None enumerated constant in a bitwise AND operation to test for a flag because the result is always zero. (您不能在按位与运算中使用None枚举常量来测试标志,因为结果始终为零。)
However, you can perform a logical, not a bitwise, comparison between the numeric value and the None enumerated constant to determine whether any bits in the numeric value are set. (但是,您可以在数值和None枚举常量之间进行逻辑比较而不是按位比较,以确定是否设置了数值中的任何位。)
You can find more info about the flags attribute and its usage at msdn and designing flags at msdn
(您可以在msdn上找到有关flags属性及其用法以及在msdn上 设计标志的更多信息。)